5-minute DIY kids toy

Let me re-phrase that..."DIY kids toy...out of junk ".

I remember when I was younger we'd go to these homeschool classes at the library, and one time we were learning about in the olden days, (like..log cabin days😂), and kids would not have many toys back then because they worked for their families.. but sometimes they would make things like these little ball/cup things. While they would make them out of wood, we used tin foil and styrofoam/solo cups. It's quite an addicting little toy. Aaand, after it's played with for twenty minutes, it can be thrown away.

Start with the supplies: Yarn/string, tin foil, a cup, and scissors. 
Optional: tape & popsicle sticks.

Punch a hole in the bottom (I used scissors to chop it open, but do whatever works. It's definitely easier with styrofoam).

Cut a piece of string however long you want it (longer makes it harder), and pull it through. Tie the end and then pull it on the bottom to make sure the knot is big enough that it won't slip right through the hole.

I like to tape the string to the bottom too, just to make sure it's totally secure. This is optional.

On the other end of your string will be the ball. Take a small piece of tin foil and tightly wrap it around the string to form a ball.

This is what it should look like.

Optional: you can tape a popsicle stick to the side to make a handle. It just depends on your preference.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this (really weird) tutorial. 
It could also be used as something to teach kids about reusing and recycling, so it's not completely pointless.


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