War Room Movie Review


Most of you have probably seen the trailers and advertisements for the new Christian-based movie, War Room. I had the privilege to go see it this past weekend, and with *hopefully* no spoilers, a review awaits.

Now I don’t want to go into a lot of detail about the movie itself, for believe me, I’d give it all away. Overall I found the moral of the story to be quite compelling. It’s really something that could be applied to so many different lives and circumstances, and that’s a really great quality for a film to have. I was expecting it to be like every other film, a vague topic fluffed with drama, purely for entertainment with no real purpose. But I was pleasantly surprised. The movie really didn’t drift from the point; it stayed on topic and had real purpose. And it was easy to follow. It all flowed nicely and hit so, so many valuable key points along the way. The kind that stick with you even after you leave the theater, the kind that you keep thinking about for days and weeks and months. It’s the kind of movie that inspires people to actually get up and do something. And I admire that greatly.

Not to mention in the midst of all this, - the movie was hilarious. And that’s coming from me (It takes a lot in a movie to make me dub it as hilarious.). There may have been some pretty sappy and corny parts in there as well, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Except in the scenes that I found the acting to be...as much as I hate to have to say this, and I’m not quite sure how to put it, fake and forced. There were just a few scenes that were far too predictable, at least for my taste. The casting was overall wonderful, don’t get me wrong. It just wasn’t the most convincing at times. But that’s certainly nothing to get caught up on.
 In conclusion, this movie had a motive to inspire and change, and they surely achieved it. Personally I can say that I walked away highly impacted. Impacted to change my walk with the Lord and more specifically change my prayer life. Strengthen my prayer life, revive my prayer life. And I only hope it would do the same for you. This is an incredible movie that I’d recommend to anyone. That’s what I love about it – like I said earlier, it has something to be applied to so many different lives and circumstances. For children, for teens, adults, couples, groups, families, I could go on. So if you’re still debating about going to see it or not, I’d highly encourage you to go! I’d definitely label it a must-see.

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